The theory of Ned Herrmann classifies the styles of thinking in relation to the side of the dominant brain. People dominated by the left side are described as analytical, logical and sequential. Those dominated by the right side are more intuitive, based on values and non-linear.
According to Ned Herrmann, people have four basic behavioral styles and that, in general, there is a predominance of a their in each person, although everyone has a little of each. The predominant style influences the way people think and behave in their daily lives.
There is no better style than the other, and we could say that in a team, the ideal is that there would be members with a predominance of All styles. The important thing is to be aware of your personal characteristics and understand the characteristics of colleagues, to avoid and alleviate conflicts that may result from these differences.
The following questions are based on these studies on creativity and brain dominance. Respond with great sincerity! Do not try to "hit" the answers that seem more "appropriate" or "socially correct." In order not to distort the result, try to be very truthful and choose the most appropriate answer "for you”!